Kafka tutorial

Installing Kafka On Linux

In this article, i will show you how to install Apache Kafka on Linux.

Step 1 – Verifying Java Installation

Since Kafka supports java8 and above you should install java on your system.

Verify using command (java -version)

$ java -version

Step2 – Download Apache Kafka

Go to https://kafka.apache.org/downloads and download the Kafka binaries as Scala

Extract the file using command

$ tar –xvzf kafka_2.12-2.6.0.tgz

Step 3 – Test if Kafka well installed

Go to kafka directory and run command :

$ bin/kafka-topics.sh

Step 4 – Edit PATH to include KAFKA

To use Kafka command in any directory, edit file in ~/.bashrc file by adding PATH where you kafka directory is placed :

export PATH=/home/oubelque/kafka_2.12-2.6.0/bin:$PATH

Step 5 – Zookeeper & Kafka configuration

Edit zookeeper.properties :


Edit server.properties :


Step 6 – Start Zookeeper

Start Zookeeper in one terminal using command :

$ zookeeper-server-start.sh config/zookeeper.properties

You should see this message : INFO binding to port

Step 7 – Start Kafka

Start Kafka broker in another terminal using command :

$ kafka-server-start.sh config/server.properties 

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